The Church-State Situation in Poland After the Collapse of Communism
Daniel, K., 'The Church-State Situation in Poland After the Collapse of Communism,' Brigham Young University Law Review, Iss.2 (1995), 401-419
The changes and developments spawned by the political transition period in Poland not only reached governmental heights but also extended into the religious realm, particularly affecting the Catholic Church. This paper will describe the changed situation of the Catholic Church in Poland after the June 1989 transitional period and will also explore underlying explanations of the changes.
Without doubt, two things that catch our attention when we focus on the Catholic Church in Poland after the communist collapse are the significant reinforcement of its legal position on one hand and the significant decrease in its prestige in Polish society on the other. The reinforced legal position may be expected, especially in a country with a notable Catholic tradition where the Church experienced significant limitations under communism.' However, the loss of prestige is surprising and raises many questions.